Friday 6 August 2010

A Rat Story

For centuries rats have been one of the most hated species on the face of the planet. In fact most people are more concerned with the eradication of rat altogether than learning anything about them. I was one in the above list till recently.
I chose to use my bike instead of my car for sometime. I parked my car in front of my house. This time along, I hadn’t started my car even once in that month. After a month when I decided to use the car, I noticed that a rat had a cozy bed in the bonnet of my car. I ignored it and thought I will clean it up some other day. Finally that some other day came a bit too late; probably after a month more. That day, I cleaned up the whole mess.
One day after that as I drove to my office, my car broke down. I left the car in the service station. When I went back to take the car, I realized what the rat had done in anger. He had blown off the fuse by damaging few wires.
All those days, when I had allowed him to be in the car, I used to drive the car. It had not done any damage till then. Once I decided to clear his mess and make no room for his comfort, he had decided to take revenge.
I should have thought about the consequences before acting. If I had thought of the consequences, I would have got rid of the smell in the bonnet, before cleaning up the rat’s home. Rats identify their setup by smell.
Also, I underestimated my tiny enemy. Underestimating is like letting a wolf in your farm. Never underestimate and definitely don’t be too overconfident for you will be arrogant and ignorant. When we view ourselves too highly and others too lightly, destruction occurs. Many huge companies ignored many small companies and eventually the roles have switched.

The lesson from this small incident was; never underestimate and never act without thinking of the consequences.

(Thanks to Raffi for sharing this incident)

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